Home. Our house sits as though in pause, holding its breath and waiting for us to bring it to life again. The Christmas tree looks sad and the thought of undressing it and pulling it out the house will feel like taking a beloved lamb to the slaughter. Like an aged lady with a crooked spine that was once a glamorous young woman who turned heads with her dress and her glow, our tree has seen its glory.
I think next year we will have to buy a tree in a pot, perhaps even a giant olive tree to decorate. I did really love the ideas featured on OlliElla's Blog:
The sun sets on the last day of the year and I’ve spent most of the day reflecting on the last 365 days.
Sessi started school and has become quite a ‘big’ little girl.
Oona has learned to walk, talk and dance. I adventured with the girls and their granny in Marrakech, (reliving, in part, a piece of my own childhood)
We’ve moved house. Twice. That’s a lot of packing!
Then Bekka and I started our adventure of Sisters Guild Ltd, which has been quite a journey, and of course all the everyday events and duties of motherhood!
Excited about the next year and all its promise of new adventure, I have thought of news years resolutions but decided that most of my planned intentions would inevitably last less than a week; a diet that doesn’t include copious amounts of cake, to try to be asleep before midnight (at least a few a week),
to start a gym and perhaps by summer have the body I had at 26!
However, rather than setting myself up for failure I shall just suggest to myself to resolve to the fact that; I will always try to do more than a day allows, that I cannot in actual fact live without cake, and the body I had at 26 was in all honesty owned by a less confident woman.
No doubt tomorrow I will end up with a list of ideas, things I’d like to do or change, perhaps I can convince Sessi to give up picking her nose! Then again, it is a traditional childhood pastime and I wouldn’t want to deny her that pleasure!
Nevertheless, I will be celebrating the success of the past year, putting the less great memories down to experience and hope that the next brings all that I imagine.
The morning will be full of excitement and promise. I shall start as I mean to go on; full of optimism.